Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Settling in...

Guten Morgen. I am posting this brief update to say “Hallo.” We have arrived safely and according to plan. We are still settling in; meeting our buddy to help us with setting up an Austrian bank account, a cell phone, housing paperwork, navigating the city, etc. I still don’t have internet in my dorm, so I have to keep this short and sweet. We are connecting to the internet in MCI’s computer lab, as well as the café down the street. Well worth all of these cappuccinos to connect with mom and dad!

All is well in Austria! Detailed updates are on the way. Here are a few photos to get this blog goin’…
Found Valerie in Munich. Ready to drive to Innsbruck
Inn River, Innsbruck
Ja! I live here!


1 comment:

  1. Seriously, the second picture is breathtaking!! If I had a thousand or so spare dollars, I would come visit for a week... I don't see that happening soon, unfortunately :'(
